Northwest Center for Applied Psychophysiology

Stress Free... Naturally!

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HeartMath is a system of scientifically validated techniques that draw on the intelligent power of the heart to reduce stress, to manage emotions, and to unlock innate potential. It is being used by thousands of people to better manage themselves mentally and emotionally. The HeartMath techniques are simple to understand and use. As you shift your life from mind to heart, you’ll experience a profound shift in perceptions and emotions that opens a new world of possibilities. Experience heightened awareness and well-being by using these techniques.

Eleanor Kurtus is a licensed HeartMath One-on-One Provider.

The Power of the Heart (Free download - PDF format 37K)

Results that Count (Free download - PDF format 42K)

HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath. Freeze-Framer is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.

Northwest Center for Applied Psychophysiology - Stress Free... Naturally!
Lake Oswego, OR